Alpha Talks

Exploring a world where alpha counts

Alpha Talks

Welcome to Alpha Talks, Brummer’s platform for sharing insights on risk and return from our network of talented investment managers and experts.

Through Alpha Talks, we offer a deeper look at how uncorrelated strategies generate alpha. Our aim isn't to provide a specific outlook or point of view, but to offer a window into the expertise that shapes our investment decisions. We know, that you know, when and how alpha counts. That's why we develop, maintain, and refine a robust, all-weather portfolio designed to generate alpha regardless of the market environment.

Alpha Talks - what's new, what's next?

Watch a 10-minute film featuring Brummer’s new generation of leadership and select portfolio managers as they discuss uncorrelated returns and portfolio protection, then explore macro uncertainty, megatrends, and sector-specific challenges.
Filmed at an institutional event in Stockholm, 2025.

Watch the film
We can onboard teams with a distinct edge and constrained capacity while capturing significant alpha potential.” Adrian Brummer Partner and part of the PM team

*Alpha means returns by active management rather than general market performance.

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