Brummer & Partners

When alpha counts

Brummer & Partners

Brummer & Partners is a leading European multi-strategy manager empowering investment teams devoted to generate alpha, across market environments. We offer multi-strategy funds tailored to meet the needs of informed investors to diversify their portfolios, i.e., strengthen the balance between return and risk. 

This is Brummer & Partners


Founded in 1996, we’ve nurtured a partnership model which has proven to attract talented investment teams with a long-term approach that thrive in a collaborative culture.

14 bn USD
active positions

Portfolio construction and risk management

To ensure a differentiating source of alpha, we apply multi-dimensional portfolio analysis. That means real-time monitoring of risks, exposures, and performance, combined with a comprehensive analysis of the overall market environment. Our disciplined approach also involves constructive dialogue with the investment teams to assess the qualitative rationales behind the risk/reward opportunities.

Empowering teams

Founded in 1996, we’ve nurtured a partnership model enabling teams to launch an investment strategy, while our infrastructure and operational support facilitate their focus on alpha generation. They manage their strategy as a pod within Brummer Multi-Strategy, or by co-owning an investment management company with Brummer & Partners. This model has proven to attract talent with a long-term approach that thrive in a collaborative culture. Although a global firm, our Nordic trait still characterises our talent pool and, to some extent, risk exposure.

Aligned for sustainable alpha

All investment teams integrate ESG in their investment process. They consider how sustainability risks, and opportunities, may affect returns. They also assess the potential principal adverse impacts of their investments on sustainability factors. The purpose is to make well-informed investment decisions and to generate returns in a responsible way.

This is Brummer & Partners

This material should not be regarded as a recommendation to subscribe for units in the funds or as investment advice. An investor planning to invest in a fund should first read the key information document, subscription documentation and information memorandum, including the fund rules, carefully. These documents are available on the funds’ website Investments in funds are subject to risk. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. The value of the capital invested in a fund may increase or decrease and investors cannot be certain of recovering all of their invested capital.

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