Alpha Talks - what's new, what's next?

Watch a 10-minute film featuring Brummer’s new generation of leadership and select portfolio managers as they discuss uncorrelated returns and portfolio protection, macro uncertainty, and sector-specific challenges. Filmed at an institutional event in Stockholm, 2025.


*Alpha means returns by active management rather than general market performance.

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“Alpha has always been complex"

Patrik Brummer, Founder and Portfolio Manager, Brummer Multi-Strategy


“Navigating the future of alpha generation”

Adrian Brummer, PM team, Brummer Multi-Strategy


“Expected returns and market realities”

Guest speaker Markus Ibert, Professor of Finance at Copenhagen Business School.


“Investor concerns”

Kerim Celebi, PM team Brummer Multi-Strategy

Wilhelm Kleman, PM team, Brummer Multi-Strategy

Carl-Johan Brodowsky, Head of Investor Relations


"Macro uncertainty and its implications”

”AI, alpha, and adapting to volatility: lessons from a New York hedge fund veteran”

David Meyer, Portfolio Manager, L/S equity, tech/media/telecom strategy


”Sector edge: Crafting an all-weather portfolio in listed Real Estate”

Oliver Gilbert, Portfolio Manager, L/S equity, real estate strategy


"From Cancer to COVID-19: BioNTech's pioneering role in mRNA therapies and future horizons"

Graham Stafford, Portfolio Manager, L/S equity, healthcare strategy

Guest speaker Ryan Richardson, Executive Board Member & Chief Strategy Officer at BioNTech

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